Free: Screen Capture Full Browser Window with Scrolling

Free Screen Capture Full Browser Window with Scrolling

If you are trying to screen capture everything inside a web browser window, including parts of a a webpage you can’t see (where there is window scrolling), follow the steps below. This method works on Mac or PC and is completely free.


  1. Browse the webpage you want to screen capture using Google Chrome. 
  1. Download and install Full Page Screen Capture a Google Chrome extension.
  1. Click the full page screen capture icon in the Google Chrome toolbar.
Full screen capture icon
  1. You will see a message that the web screen capture is in progress.
Chrome full screen capture progress

  1. Once complete, a new tab will open your screen capture. You can now save your screenshot. The screenshot will be in high-resolution and will be a single large screenshot you can zoom in or zoom out of.
Chrome full screen capture save image

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