How to ship to multiple addresses on Amazon

How to ship to multiple addresses on Amazon

If you want to send items in your Amazon cart to different shipping addresses, follow these steps.



1. First, add all items you want to ship to different addresses to your Amazon cart.


2. When you are ready, go to your Checkout.



3. For Shipping Address click Change.


Amazon change shipping address



4. At the top right, click Shipping to more than one address?


Shipping to more than one address amazon



5. Select additional addresses you want to ship to.


How to ship multiple addresses amazon



Note: In some cases, you may be required to increase the quantity of the item before Amazon allows you to ship.


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Comments 1

Guest - Michael Gorman on Thursday, 23 February 2023 11:44

Need help on sending 20 or more of the same item as a wedding gift to grooms family and friends on Amazon order.

Need help on sending 20 or more of the same item as a wedding gift to grooms family and friends on Amazon order.
Friday, 06 September 2024