Why: Disconnecting Nearby Wi-Fi Until Tomorrow – iPhone Control Center

Why: Disconnecting Nearby Wi-Fi Until Tomorrow – iPhone Control Center

The latest iOS 11.2 now displays a notification message in Control Center when you toggle on or off Wireless. Disabling Wireless or Bluetooth in Control Center only disables these options until a condition is met mentioned below.


Disconnecting Nearby Wi-Fi Until Tomorrow

The current Wi-Fi network and others nearby will be disconnected until tomorrow.

Wi-Fi will continue to be available for AirDrop, Personal Hotspot, and location accuracy.


Disconnecting wifi until tomorrow iphone

Iphone control center wifi notification message 


And also for Bluetooth…


Disconnecting Bluetooth Accessories Until Tomorrow

Currently connected accessories will be disconnected and other accessories will not connect.

Bluetooth will continue to be available for Apple Watch, Apple Pencil, Personal Hotspot, and Handoff.


Disconnecting bluetooth devices until tomorrow notification


Wi-Fi will remain disabled in Control Center until one of the following occurs:

*You re-enable Wi-Fi

*Move to a new location

*A new day 5:00am

*You reboot your iOS device

Bluetooth will remain disabled in Control Center until one of the following occurs:

*You re-enable Bluetooth

*A new day 5:00am

*You reboot your iOS device


In order to permanently disable Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, you must do so now in iOS settings.


Settings -> Wi-Fi -> Toggle Off

Settings -> Bluetooth -> Toggle Off


The new Control Center notification messages may seem confusing at first, but in reality you can still use Control Center to disable Wi-Fi or Bluetooth quickly if you still need to. If you need to disable Wi-Fi or Bluetooth permanently, do so in iOS settings.


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Comments 24

Guest - Randy on Tuesday, 10 December 2019 01:59

This is clearly so that Apple can access your wifi so that they are able to illegally use you ISP to auto-download their software updates without your consent. Even if you have auto-updates disabled they still automatically download their device-killing updates (sometimes up to 4GB large) to your device, so that if you accidentally hit the wrong button when their nagging “update available” pop-up comes on your screen (again these pop-ups occur even if you have auto updates disabled) it will instantly start updating against your will. Apple has turned into such a pathetic trash company, and I will NEVER purchase another Apple product for as long as I live.

This is clearly so that Apple can access your wifi so that they are able to illegally use you ISP to auto-download their software updates without your consent. Even if you have auto-updates disabled they still automatically download their device-killing updates (sometimes up to 4GB large) to your device, so that if you accidentally hit the wrong button when their nagging “update available” pop-up comes on your screen (again these pop-ups occur even if you have auto updates disabled) it will instantly start updating against your will. Apple has turned into such a pathetic trash company, and I will NEVER purchase another Apple product for as long as I live.
Guest - Gary on Thursday, 29 April 2021 21:27

This is just another example of Apple wanting to be all things to all people. When I turn off WiFi and Bluetooth, I want them to STAY off. Turning off until tomorrow stinks.

This is just another example of Apple wanting to be all things to all people. When I turn off WiFi and Bluetooth, I want them to STAY off. Turning off until tomorrow stinks.
Guest - UrMom on Monday, 16 July 2018 01:19

lol...thank you people-I am not alone in thinking this is absolutely STUPID!

lol...thank you people-I am not alone in thinking this is absolutely STUPID!
Guest - RonD- on Monday, 25 June 2018 15:44

Yet another unwanted worm infesting Apple software! Get rid of it!!!

Yet another unwanted worm infesting Apple software! Get rid of it!!!
Guest - Stewsey on Tuesday, 10 April 2018 23:46

I could not agree more with some of the others here. When I want wifi off, I want it off until I choose to turn it back on. Is it so difficult to include another button in Control Center to switch it off completely? This oversight is inexplicable.

I could not agree more with some of the others here. When I want wifi off, I want it off until I choose to turn it back on. Is it so difficult to include another button in Control Center to switch it off completely? This oversight is inexplicable.
Guest - KoKo on Friday, 09 March 2018 04:06

I suspect this "feature" like the others (throttling CPU, auto-brightness that max-es screen's brightness out of nowhere) has been introduced to drain battery for older phones to force people to upgrade, look at the sales figures... not sure you are aware that DOJ and SEC are looking into allegations that these features have been introduced on purpose

I suspect this "feature" like the others (throttling CPU, auto-brightness that max-es screen's brightness out of nowhere) has been introduced to drain battery for older phones to force people to upgrade, look at the sales figures... not sure you are aware that DOJ and SEC are looking into allegations that these features have been introduced on purpose
Guest - Fateme Zeidabady on Wednesday, 07 February 2018 16:25

Is there any way to make the disconnecting wifi nearby after tommarow butten work out??

Is there any way to make the disconnecting wifi nearby after tommarow butten work out??
Guest - GRRRRRRRRR!!!!! Very angry on Monday, 22 January 2018 08:31

This is totally RIDICILIOUS!!!!, especially when travel a lot and need my bluetooth to connect to my car so I can take calls when I am on the road, with out my bluetooth I am not able to be hand free and this causes a HUGE inconvenience. Apple really needs to rethink this!!!!! I ready to get rid of my

This is totally RIDICILIOUS!!!!, especially when travel a lot and need my bluetooth to connect to my car so I can take calls when I am on the road, with out my bluetooth I am not able to be hand free and this causes a HUGE inconvenience. Apple really needs to rethink this!!!!! I ready to get rid of my i-phone!!!!!
Guest - Anne on Friday, 12 January 2018 09:43

It’s not like we couldn’t just tap the icon in the control center to turn it back on again.......... I fail to see the logic behind this and other updates that have come recently. Apple is pushing customers away.

It’s not like we couldn’t just tap the icon in the control center to turn it back on again.......... I fail to see the logic behind this and other updates that have come recently. Apple is pushing customers away.
Guest - Angry on Thursday, 21 December 2017 09:49

What kind of pathetic design is this? Are we all imbeciles that can't decide how to use our phone?

"Geniuses" - yeah, right.

What kind of pathetic design is this? Are we all imbeciles that can't decide how to use our phone? "Geniuses" - yeah, right.
Guest - Sam on Wednesday, 20 December 2017 13:25

This is so freaking stupid. I’m currently locked out from using my Bluetooth because I turned it off to save my battery. Now I can’t use it the rest of the day because of this new bullshit update. Thanks a lot Apple for another one of your bullshit updates

This is so freaking stupid. I’m currently locked out from using my Bluetooth because I turned it off to save my battery. Now I can’t use it the rest of the day because of this new bullshit update. Thanks a lot Apple for another one of your bullshit updates
Guest - CR on Wednesday, 20 December 2017 07:58

If Apple starts working like Microsoft now, why would you even get an Apple product in the first place? This has been the third OS update in a very short period of time and EVERY new iteration of the Control Center is objectively worse than the previous one. I was seriously hoping that this new OS update would fix the problem of the Wifi reconnecting automatically for no particular reason when I had manually turned it off from the Control Center, but this new update now extends this inane feature to apparently the whole Control Center. What next? The flashlight turning on automatically when it gets dark outside or at 4AM every day?

TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE IDEA! WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?! If Apple starts working like Microsoft now, why would you even get an Apple product in the first place? This has been the third OS update in a very short period of time and EVERY new iteration of the Control Center is objectively worse than the previous one. I was seriously hoping that this new OS update would fix the problem of the Wifi reconnecting automatically for no particular reason when I had manually turned it off from the Control Center, but this new update now extends this inane feature to apparently the whole Control Center. What next? The flashlight turning on automatically when it gets dark outside or at 4AM every day?
Guest - Ivo on Tuesday, 19 December 2017 23:54

I might be one of the few people who actually enjoys this feature.

Some of the wifi networks I use are not very reliable, so I disconnect whenever they're not working well, but I don't want to fully remove them either. I used to disable my wifi completely, but I'd often forget and then and be using my data when just at work or at home.

Very strange though, that Apple seems to focus their attention to such a minor group of people that would enjoy this, and not even allowing others to disable this feature.

I might be one of the few people who actually enjoys this feature. Some of the wifi networks I use are not very reliable, so I disconnect whenever they're not working well, but I don't want to fully remove them either. I used to disable my wifi completely, but I'd often forget and then and be using my data when just at work or at home. Very strange though, that Apple seems to focus their attention to such a minor group of people that would enjoy this, and not even allowing others to disable this feature.
Guest - Billy on Monday, 18 December 2017 12:36

That defeats the purpose of even having the control center. The whole point of it is to save us the steps of going to settings but, if pressing the shortcuts doesn’t actually turn off the items you are selecting to turn off, then it’s just a wastes of time and effort. We are capable of committing to our decisions. If we want something off, we select off, and we want it to remain that way until WE say so, not some BS auto back on feature. With this “shortcut” we have to re-shut off items everyday, that is stupid. Hey Apple, we are not stupid robots, we are capable of making our own decisions about the on/off status of our phones’ features. We don’t need the phone to automatically turn s**t back on at 5am! Get this, if something is set on or off, it’s because I f***ing want it that way, and if I didn’t, I would manually make the change. I am in control here, and f*** you for trying to micromanage us. Bring back the mentality of Steve Jobs because you are quickly losing your grip on the market to Google. They are already making phones and computers, and their maps, mail, notes, and data storage all surpass Apple’s versions of the same. Keep this BS up, and you will see your demise real soon.

That defeats the purpose of even having the control center. The whole point of it is to save us the steps of going to settings but, if pressing the shortcuts doesn’t actually turn off the items you are selecting to turn off, then it’s just a wastes of time and effort. We are capable of committing to our decisions. If we want something off, we select off, and we want it to remain that way until WE say so, not some BS auto back on feature. With this “shortcut” we have to re-shut off items everyday, that is stupid. Hey Apple, we are not stupid robots, we are capable of making our own decisions about the on/off status of our phones’ features. We don’t need the phone to automatically turn s**t back on at 5am! Get this, if something is set on or off, it’s because I f***ing want it that way, and if I didn’t, I would manually make the change. I am in control here, and f*** you for trying to micromanage us. Bring back the mentality of Steve Jobs because you are quickly losing your grip on the market to Google. They are already making phones and computers, and their maps, mail, notes, and data storage all surpass Apple’s versions of the same. Keep this BS up, and you will see your demise real soon.
Guest - Really on Monday, 18 December 2017 06:07

This was a terrible idea. Also when I try to reconnect to my WiFi it says there is no internet connection try restarting the router and modem. Seriously there is nothing wrong with the connection my computer has WiFi just fine. Seriously WTF.

This was a terrible idea. Also when I try to reconnect to my WiFi it says there is no internet connection try restarting the router and modem. Seriously there is nothing wrong with the connection my computer has WiFi just fine. Seriously WTF.
Guest - nat on Monday, 18 December 2017 05:45

this sucks. building up their own location database instead of putting users first. and now trying to explain it with this ridiculous message. apple has lost their edge.

this sucks. building up their own location database instead of putting users first. and now trying to explain it with this ridiculous message. apple has lost their edge.
Guest - Jake rocha on Saturday, 16 December 2017 23:47

When I want things turned off I want them turned off. This is an awful idea

When I want things turned off I want them turned off. This is an awful idea
Guest - Barry on Saturday, 16 December 2017 07:14

Who In the hell at Apple actually thought this was a good idea

Who In the hell at Apple actually thought this was a good idea
Guest - y doe on Thursday, 14 December 2017 08:21

y tho is the question. its so bad

y tho is the question. its so bad
Guest - Toni on Saturday, 09 December 2017 14:11

I like To turn off my cellular data and use WiFi for my shoes and stuff. This sucks so bad.

I like To turn off my cellular data and use WiFi for my shoes and stuff. This sucks so bad.
Tuesday, 25 March 2025