Fix: iOS Music App Song Seek | Time Bar | Progress Bar | Missing for Songs

Fix: iOS Music App Song Seek | Time Bar | Progress Bar | Missing for Songs

If you play a song in the Music app on your iOS device such as your iPhone or iPad, you may notice the progress bar missing entirely for songs. Only the volume bar displays, making it impossible to seek or skip through a current track playing on your device.


 iOS iPhone Playing Next Button Music App


In most cases, you likely tapped the Playing Next button in the bottom right corner of the Music app screen during playback of a song. The Playing Next reveals songs coming up for playing as seen below.


How to Restore Music App Song Seek | Time Bar | Progress Bar



To show the song progress bar again in iOS Music App, simply unselect the Playing Next button in bottom right corner of the screen during playback of a song, shown below.


 Music App iOS iPhone Display Song Progress Seek Bar


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