Easy: Force Camera Flash iPhone 11

Easy: Force Camera Flash iPhone 11

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The latest iPhone 11 Camera app does not allow you to use force flash out of the box. Previous iPhones (and iOS versions) forced using flash when you tapped the flash icon. But, when you click the flash icon on iPhone 11, it’s actually auto flash by default, so depending on lighting in the room, the iPhone 11 flash my trigger or not. I believe this is an adoption to Apple’s more powerful camera lens and it’s ability to take the best possible pictures.


To always use Camera flash on iPhone 11, follow these steps. (Accurate as of iOS 13)

  1. Open Camera app.
  1. Swipe up in the lens screen to reveal camera options.
Iphone 11 camera flash options
  1. Tap on flash and choose on.
Iphone camera flash always on



Photos you take will now use Flash each time.


Note: Flash On will only work this way until you exit Camera app. Since this article, you will need to repeat these steps to enable Flash On next time you open Camera app.

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Comments 1

Guest - Bobbybob78 on Sunday, 25 June 2023 13:20

Very annoying... you should be able to just toggle the flash icon between auto, off and on. Just like in previous IOS versions and on all Samsung phones.

Very annoying... you should be able to just toggle the flash icon between auto, off and on. Just like in previous IOS versions and on all Samsung phones.
Saturday, 08 February 2025