Remove / Hide Joomla "Articles" Header From Pages

Remove / Hide Joomla

When you insert a link to a Joomla article using your built-in editor, it links using a component/content/article URL path. By default, these links contain a global h1 tag value (page-title) of Articles. This added text can be useless on top of the actual article in most scenarios. You can easily remove Articles text by creating a language override.


Joomla article linkings h1 header



  1. Login to your Joomla site backend and navigate to Extensions -> Language(s) -> Overrides and click New.
  1. Under Search For select Constant. Then search for JGLOBAL_ARTICLES and select the result.

Joomla language override jglobal articles
  1. Remove the “Articles” text in the Text box area. Click Save & Close.
Joomla language override jglobal articles

Your language override will take affect immediately and you will no longer see the “Articles” header text when you click a Joomla article link on your front end.

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Saturday, 27 July 2024