How To: Joomla – Check Install Time of a Plugin, Module, or Component

Joomla Check Install Time of a Plugin Module Component

Are you noticing a new Joomla plugin or module in your Joomla backend that might not have been there before or has suddenly appeared? There are 2 quick ways for identifying the time a Joomla plugin or module was installed in your Joomla backend.


Check Joomla Backend for Install ID

  1. Login to your Joomla backend.
  1. Browse to Extensions -> Manage -> Manage.
  1. Sort by ID. The highest ID will be the most recent plugin/module installed in your Joomla backend. You can sort this way and have an idea of what something may have been installed.

Joomla extensions sort by id

Check Your Joomla FTP Site Files for Exact Install Date

  1. Login to your Joomla backend via FTP (or whatever file manager you use to manage Joomla install files).
  1. Browse to the corresponding FTP path and sort the directory by date modified. The date modified date will more than likely by the original install date of your Joomla Plugin or Module.
Joomla ftip date modified files

Administrator Modules:


Administrator Components:


Site Modules:


Site Components:


Site Plugins:


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