Fix: Twitter Header Photo Keeps Stretching

Fix: Twitter Header Photo Keeps Stretching
For those having major issues with their Twitter header photo not placing itself correctly, fear not. There is a Band-Aid solution.
For us, the problem was our 1500 x 500 image was exactly these dimensions; however, whenever we uploaded it via a web browser from our desktop –
it would stretch! This seemed to happen even we changed the imaged to be smaller or larger – it stretched.

The solution for us was to upload the same sized image to our phone and using the Twitter app, publish the header photo that way. And Viola, the Twitter header photo appeared perfectly!
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Comments 1

Guest - Omar on Monday, 10 April 2017 20:52

That didn't work - my dimensions are only 240 x 140 for the header, and from my phone it STILL wouldn't work. This is absurd.

That didn't work - my dimensions are only 240 x 140 for the header, and from my phone it STILL wouldn't work. This is absurd.
Thursday, 20 February 2025