Fix: Mac X Login Screen Cached or Old Background Picture

Fix: Mac X Login Screen Cached or Old Background Picture

If you recently changed your default Mac OS X desktop picture, you may notice your old background picture still appearing at the Mac OS X login screen (the blurry photo in the background at the default Mac OS X login screen). Sometimes, Mac X will cache your old desktop photo and it will stick on the login screen even if you change it in System Preferences.

The fix is easy – follow these steps to correctly update your new desktop picture to appear at your Mac X login window and override the old desktop picture.


Note: In most cases, simply logging off and in with your Mac OS X user account fixes the cached blurry desktop background picture at the login scree too.


1. Ensure your new desktop picture is in the system cache. Open Go menu -> Go To Folder… and type the following


2. You will see a file named – this is the picture Mac OS X displays for your current user account logged in. This is also the default picture at the Mac OS X login screen. Open the PNG file to confirm it is in fact your new desktop background you set.

Mac x blurry desktop picture cached


3. Now, log off ( Menu-> Log Out…).

4. You will be at your login screen and the blurry background picture should now be the new picture you updated your desktop background with.

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Comments 1

Guest - Pete on Saturday, 01 April 2017 10:16

When I check the folder there is the blurred background of my old wallpaper.. How do you force Mac to refresh the cache?

When I check the folder there is the blurred background of my old wallpaper.. How do you force Mac to refresh the cache?
Friday, 28 February 2025