Fix: Auto Sum Excel Only Shows Formula Text and Not Calculating!

Fix: Auto Sum Excel Only Shows Formula Text and Not Calculating!

If you attempt to calculate a row or column of numbers in Microsoft Excel using auto sum, you may only see the formula calculation appear as text and no calculation appears. There is a known bug in version of Excel the prevents any formula from calculating by default.


First, ensure the cells you are calculating follow the steps below in your Excel workbook.


*The cells format is set to General. (Right-click cells -> Format Cells -> General) 


*Ensure calculation options is set to Automatic (Formulas tab -> Calculation Options -> Automatic)


*Use Error Checking to fix all cell format errors. This is absolutely important because sometimes even if a cell is formatted, error checking may detect a different format. Go through the entire workbook and correct all errors. (Formulas -> Error Checking)


After completing the steps above and you still cannot calculate an Auto Sum or formula, perform the following steps.

  1. Select the cell with the formula.
  1. Right-click the cell -> Format Cells -> General.
  1. Delete the "=" at the beginning of your formula and hit enter.
  1. Finally, insert the "=" back into the formula at the beginning.

You can re-run the formula in your cell by selecting the cell with the formula and clicking the green check box or by hitting enter again.

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Comments 2

Guest - Bill on Monday, 13 February 2023 15:05

Gret fix - where the hang are Microsoft

Gret fix - where the hang are Microsoft
Guest - Learning to hate Microsoft... on Monday, 12 August 2019 08:46

It is ridiculous that Microsoft has not fixed this obvious bug.

It is ridiculous that Microsoft has not fixed this obvious bug.
Tuesday, 18 February 2025