How To: App Store Show Debug Menu

How To: App Store Show Debug Menu

The Mac X App Store contains a hidden menu called Debug that provides additional App Store functionality. Most interestingly, you can actually change the App Store GUI using this menu. To enable the App Store Debug menu, follow these steps.


1. Ensure the App Store is closed.

2. Open Mac X Terminal (Application -> Utilities -> Terminal)

3. In Terminal, type the following: defaults write ShowDebugMenu -bool true

Debug Enable Menu


4. Open App Store. You will now see Debug as a menu option at the top.

5. You will see several options in the Debug menu. Enjoy!

App Store Debug Menu

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Comments 1

Guest - davidpny on Tuesday, 22 November 2016 21:40

Does not work in 10.12 Sierra

Does not work in 10.12 Sierra
Monday, 31 March 2025