Fix: You Were Not Connected Because a Duplicate Name Exists on the Network – Windows

You Were Not Connected Because a Duplicate Name Exists on the Network  Windows

If you try to map a network drive in Windows, you may receive the following error which prevents you from connecting.


The mapped network drive could not be created because the following error has occurred:

You were not connected because a duplicate name exists on the network. Go to System in Control Panel to change the computer name and try again.


The error is happening because you have duplicate DNS names (CNAME and A Record) pointing to the same server.

  1. Login to the server/host of which you are trying to map a network drive to.
  1. Open Windows Registry (type regedit into a run prompt) and add the following DWORD key. In the following path. 


Value name: DisableStrictNameChecking

Data type: REG_DWORD

Radix: Decimal

Value: 1


  1. Reboot the server host.
  1. If you still cannot map a network drive, you need to create SPN’s that match your DNS CNAME.
  1. On the same server/host you are trying to map a network drive to, open a Windows command prompt and type the following commands.
rsetspn -A host/<your_ALIAS_name> <ServerrName>
setspn -A host/<> <ServerNname>
  1. Reboot the server once again.

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