Where to Find Google AdSense 1099-MISC

Google AdSense 1099-MISC
If you opted to receive your 1099's online, go to the URL below (AdSense Tax Center) and replace your pub- with your AdSense account ID in the URL.
If you are a Google AdSense customer that is making considerable earnings, you may be wondering where your tax form is from Google each new year. It appears Google doesn’t post the famous 1099-MISC form (tax form Google sends to customers if AdSense earnings are more than $400) online after each tax year and rather prefers snail mail for distribution. This seems archaic especially for Internet giant Google, when most other companies that have the capability to post the tax return documents online do.
In any case, it could be Google only mails “smaller dollar amount” returns and bigger returns can also be downloaded online. It will be interesting to hear from other AdSense account owners thoughts on this. 
You can expected your receive your Google 1099-MISC sometime beginning February if you received payments totaling more than $600 the previous year.
If you have not received your 1099-MISC by February 15th, fill out a re-issue form.
All else, contact Google Tax Support
Phone: 650-253-6266
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Google 1099 mis forms mailed when

Example 1099-misc google adsense



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Comments 2

Guest - Reading Craze on Thursday, 30 January 2020 16:40

What is the business code for Google adsense , this has been asked by H&R block whiel filing tax return?

What is the business code for Google adsense , this has been asked by H&R block whiel filing tax return?
Guest - Isaac Piscoya on Sunday, 26 March 2017 03:07

hello. at how much money will you need to make to get a google adsense 1099? i heard everyone who has a youtube account that uploads content gets one every feburary. i got my youube channel back in janurary. i was wondering if i was going to get one. please email me back with information about a google adsense 1099

hello. at how much money will you need to make to get a google adsense 1099? i heard everyone who has a youtube account that uploads content gets one every feburary. i got my youube channel back in janurary. i was wondering if i was going to get one. please email me back with information about a google adsense 1099
Friday, 28 March 2025