Bank Deposit: “Doep Treas 310 Misc Pay” – What Is It?

Bank Deposit: “Doep Treas 310 Misc Pay” – What Is It?

If you received a bank deposit(s) titled DOEP TREAS 310 MISC PAT XXXXXXXX this is likely either a student loan refund from an overpayment or part of a Federal Tax return refund. A student loan overpayment refund usually takes between 45-60 days to appear on a bank statement.


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Comments 36

Guest - Heather on Friday, 15 September 2023 13:53

I received an email a few weeks ago about my student loans being forgiven. Logged into my account and they were all in forbearance much to my surprise. Today I received the misc deposit in my bank account. So crazy!! Is this real?

I received an email a few weeks ago about my student loans being forgiven. Logged into my account and they were all in forbearance much to my surprise. Today I received the misc deposit in my bank account. So crazy!! Is this real?
Guest - Erica on Monday, 28 August 2023 06:46

My Student loan was forgiven and I just recently received a deposit from DOEP Treasury 310, I put it aside until I find out more information.

My Student loan was forgiven and I just recently received a deposit from DOEP Treasury 310, I put it aside until I find out more information.
Guest - Michelle Ohanesian on Friday, 30 August 2024 18:54

Did you every find out if this is legit, my husband just got his today.

Did you every find out if this is legit, my husband just got his today.
Guest - Kim on Thursday, 14 September 2023 10:58

I just received the same payment. Have you had any luck figuring it out? I've called multiple places and get no answers.

I just received the same payment. Have you had any luck figuring it out? I've called multiple places and get no answers.
Guest - John on Saturday, 02 July 2022 14:09

Is there a number I can call to learn more about this? I just received my payments today.

Is there a number I can call to learn more about this? I just received my payments today.
Guest - Uma on Sunday, 05 June 2022 16:46

Thank you to the current government who actually did what PELF was intended to do in the first place. This is not divine intervention, but a branch of the government that is currently functional. This is what your tax money pays for. I am very grateful.

Thank you to the current government who actually did what PELF was intended to do in the first place. This is not divine intervention, but a branch of the government that is currently functional. This is what your tax money pays for. I am very grateful.
Guest - Jerry LaFavor on Tuesday, 08 February 2022 12:12

Fyi, I had been paying on those loans since Oct 2007.

Fyi, I had been paying on those loans since Oct 2007.
Guest - Jerry LaFavor on Tuesday, 08 February 2022 12:07

received total sum of $5605.80 in 37 direct deposits to my primary checking account today. On Jan 11, 2022, I received notice my student loans were forgiven after my 4 month old submission of the TEPSLF. 14 of the deposit amounts added to equal 7 usual payment installment amounts. The other 23 deposits were in the amount of the usual installment payments. Appearing to be actual refunds, interest and all. I do expect to get a 2022 1099 INT to file with my 2022 return to pay tax on the interest I originally deducted the years I made those payments since I deducted the student loan interest for those years. If I do not it will be sauce for the goose! I made no payments in 2021 and most of 2020 due to pandemic. I am a retired GA State LEO and have been since 2019. Hope this helps some one else.

received total sum of $5605.80 in 37 direct deposits to my primary checking account today. On Jan 11, 2022, I received notice my student loans were forgiven after my 4 month old submission of the TEPSLF. 14 of the deposit amounts added to equal 7 usual payment installment amounts. The other 23 deposits were in the amount of the usual installment payments. Appearing to be actual refunds, interest and all. I do expect to get a 2022 1099 INT to file with my 2022 return to pay tax on the interest I originally deducted the years I made those payments since I deducted the student loan interest for those years. If I do not it will be sauce for the goose! I made no payments in 2021 and most of 2020 due to pandemic. I am a retired GA State LEO and have been since 2019. Hope this helps some one else.
Guest - Emily on Friday, 18 November 2022 09:27

Thanks - your post was very helpful. I had 40 deposits today very similar to what you describe. But I got no letter saying my loans were forgiven so I was totally confused. I did file the TEPSLF a few months ago so it seems this unexpected influx of money in my account isn't a mistake.

Thanks - your post was very helpful. I had 40 deposits today very similar to what you describe. But I got no letter saying my loans were forgiven so I was totally confused. I did file the TEPSLF a few months ago so it seems this unexpected influx of money in my account isn't a mistake.
Guest - Gert Williams on Wednesday, 09 February 2022 10:08

It does help. A blessing for your forgiveness of loans. Thank you.

It does help. A blessing for your forgiveness of loans. Thank you.
Guest - Heidi on Monday, 07 February 2022 17:15

I just received the over payments I made during covid 19 regarding my forgiveness loan. I’m psyched to know it will continue and I will get credit toward it. I am thankful and thank you!

I just received the over payments I made during covid 19 regarding my forgiveness loan. I’m psyched to know it will continue and I will get credit toward it. I am thankful and thank you!
Guest - SN on Saturday, 01 January 2022 09:33

Like others, I just got the fantastic news that my previously denied PSLF was granted. Then got 21 of my past payments back (one after the other) in my bank! WHOOOO HOOOO! I was just thrilled to get the forgiven loan so this was a total bonus!

Like others, I just got the fantastic news that my previously denied PSLF was granted. Then got 21 of my past payments back (one after the other) in my bank! WHOOOO HOOOO! I was just thrilled to get the forgiven loan so this was a total bonus!
Guest - Patti Walrod on Monday, 20 December 2021 15:21

I got 3 of these that were applied to my checking account yesterday. I was really confused as to where they came from. Confused because the person at FedLoan said i was getting a check mailed to me. I will continue to watch.

I got 3 of these that were applied to my checking account yesterday. I was really confused as to where they came from. Confused because the person at FedLoan said i was getting a check mailed to me. I will continue to watch.
Guest - A. Berkley on Thursday, 02 December 2021 13:06

I received notification that I had a letter in my account at Fed Loan Servicing. When I opened the letter (2 weeks ago) I stated my loan was paid in full. During the pandemic I continued to pay my loan monthly. Today, I opened my bank account to see a large sum in my account. from DOEP Tres. All I can say is Thank you JESUS, Thank you GOD, Thank you LORD and Thank you YAHWEH. I have truly been BLESSED.

I received notification that I had a letter in my account at Fed Loan Servicing. When I opened the letter (2 weeks ago) I stated my loan was paid in full. During the pandemic I continued to pay my loan monthly. Today, I opened my bank account to see a large sum in my account. from DOEP Tres. All I can say is Thank you JESUS, Thank you GOD, Thank you LORD and Thank you YAHWEH. I have truly been BLESSED.
Guest - cmsaffi on Saturday, 27 November 2021 05:15

I also received this refund. Two weeks ago I received the letter where they told me I owed them 0 and now these refunds. I’m so grateful to Good. I learned this today, exacty one week after my husband’s sudden and unexpected passing. God is great. Thank you Lord.

I also received this refund. Two weeks ago I received the letter where they told me I owed them 0 and now these refunds. I’m so grateful to Good. I learned this today, exacty one week after my husband’s sudden and unexpected passing. God is great. Thank you Lord.
Guest - LoWanda Washington on Tuesday, 23 November 2021 18:09

I received 28 separate deposits today. I have not paid during Covid. I did apply for PSLF last year and was denied and told I had not met the 120 payment requirement under my current Fed Loan account. They did not count my 11 years of payment to ACS Education. Been fighting this for years.
Does this mean that my Loans are Now forgiven?? I’m confused.

I received 28 separate deposits today. I have not paid during Covid. I did apply for PSLF last year and was denied and told I had not met the 120 payment requirement under my current Fed Loan account. They did not count my 11 years of payment to ACS Education. Been fighting this for years. Does this mean that my Loans are Now forgiven?? I’m confused.
Guest - Jodie on Thursday, 02 December 2021 09:03

I think so....I got a letter stating that mine are forgiven. Look on your account!

I think so....I got a letter stating that mine are forgiven. Look on your account! :)
Guest - Tina on Saturday, 27 November 2021 03:07

I received about that many or more; I did pay through Covid, and was making progress getting balances down. I did apply for PSLF this year in July and was denied. Then they reconsidered and forgave my loans as of 11-15-21; and then a week later I get all the deposits. Merry Christmas at my house.

I received about that many or more; I did pay through Covid, and was making progress getting balances down. I did apply for PSLF this year in July and was denied. Then they reconsidered and forgave my loans as of 11-15-21; and then a week later I get all the deposits. Merry Christmas at my house.
Guest - Kurtis on Thursday, 25 November 2021 15:13

Yes, the Biden administration corrected the issues connected to the PSLF program and awarded service years that had been previously denied, and automatically forgave the loans if those years put you over the 120 payment requirement. This is also tax free as you do not need to pay taxes on the amount that was forgiven. Check with your loan servicer as all but 2 of my loans were completely paid off. Congratulations and I hope that this helped.

Yes, the Biden administration corrected the issues connected to the PSLF program and awarded service years that had been previously denied, and automatically forgave the loans if those years put you over the 120 payment requirement. This is also tax free as you do not need to pay taxes on the amount that was forgiven. Check with your loan servicer as all but 2 of my loans were completely paid off. Congratulations and I hope that this helped.
Guest - Rachel Tustin on Wednesday, 24 November 2021 12:26

I got 5 of those yesteday. The bank gave me the number to call, and it's the branch that issues payments for the Dept of Ed. That's all I could get. I recently got a letter that said my PLSF was approved a week ago and I had 3 payments over my required.

I got 5 of those yesteday. The bank gave me the number to call, and it's the branch that issues payments for the Dept of Ed. That's all I could get. I recently got a letter that said my PLSF was approved a week ago and I had 3 payments over my required.
Tuesday, 11 March 2025