United States Postal Service USPS – Official Change-of-Address Confirmation Letter

United States Postal Service USPS – Official Change-of-Address Confirmation Letter

Did you sign-up to have your USPS mail forwarded to another mailing address? If so, you will receive a confirmation letter packet to the forwarded mail address. The confirmation letter will contain your old and new mailing addresses. It will also show you your mail forwarding expiration dates based on the date you signed up for mail forwarding. You may also receive paper coupons to various stores, depending on your area. Retain your confirmation number contained in your confirmation letter to manage your address forwarding if you decide to change anything.


United States Postal Service USPS – Official Change-of-Address Confirmation Letter Envelope Back



Below is an example Change-of-Address Confirmation Letter from USPS:


United States Postal Service USPS – Official Change-of-Address Confirmation Letter


Mail will be forwarded for the following individual only:

Your mail will be forwarded to your NEW address, as you requested, on:


If you want to view or cancel this Change-of-Address order or change the date to start forwarding your mail, visit managemymove.usps.com and enter your Confirmation Code or scan the QR code to get started.


Visit managemymove.usps.com to add your email address and receive email reminders of mail forwarding expiration dates. If your change-of-address is correct and you have not received mail at your new address for 10 Postal business days or more, please call 1-800-ASK-USPS (1-800-275-8777).


Please retain this Official Change-of-Address Confirmation page for your records as logical agencies and/or resources may require it for proof of your move.



Yellow or White stickers with your new address are placed on mail forwarded by the U.S. Postal Service. These labels indicate the correspondent doesn't know your new address. To receive your mail faster, notify the sender of your new address.


Remember to update your voter registration: Even if you've previously registered to vote, you need to reregister after you move (or if you change your last name). Filing a change- of-address with the United States Postal Service does not automatically update your voter registration information. To fill out your voter registration form and receive a pre-addressed mailer, visit app.mymove.com/welcome and enter code: 6kha6ua31m Note: North Dakota residents are not required to register to vote.


All of the paper used to produce the USPS® Official Change-of-Address Confirmation Letter was sourced from sustainable forests.




United States Postal Service USPS – Official Change-of-Address Confirmation Letter


Official Change-of-Address Validation Letter


The Postal Service has received a Change-of-Address order asking us to forward mail from the following address for. Open Immediately DO NOT DISCARD Dispute this Change-of-Address: Visit managemymove.usps.com/mgoc/disputes and enter this key.

This notice is intended for the named addressee on the front of this notice. If you are not the named addressee, no further action is required. The Postal Service has received a Change-of-Address order asking us to forward mail from the address and addressee listed on the front cover. For security reasons, your new address is not included in this correspondence.

The Postal Service utilizes two-factor authentication to verify Change-of-Address requests. The purpose of this letter is to provide an additional opportunity to confirm that this request to forward mail is correct.

NO ACTION REQUIRED IF: • The address and addressee listed on the front cover are correct. • Or, this Change-of-Address order is for someone who has already moved from this address.

ACTION REQUIRED IF: • If the person listed did not ask the Postal Service to forward their mail, please: • Dispute the request by following the instructions provided on the front of the envelop. • OR call 1-800-ASK-USPS (1-800-275-8777)

It is important that we work together to ensure proper mail delivery. Please notify your correspondents of your new address. If you are the current resident, and you continue to receive mail for the person above, please return the mail to your Post Office.

Whether you are moving out or settling in, enjoy these great offers! As required by law, the Postal Service does not provide customer names or addresses to third parties.


USPS United States Postal Service Official Change Of Address Validation Letter Front


USPS United States Postal Service Official Change Of Address Validation Letter Back

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