Fix: iPhone Can’t Add GMAIL Address (Too Many Redirects Occurred – Safari)

Fix: iPhone Can’t Add GMAIL Address (Too Many Redirects Occurred – Safari)

If you try to add a GMAIL account on your iPhone through Mail, you receive a message in Safari web browser: Safari cannot open the page because too many redirects occurred. Safari is unable to handle the redirects due to outdated cache and data in Safari. Follow the steps below.


Gmail iphone safari cannot open the page because too many redirects occurred


1. On your iPhone, open Safari -> Bookmarks icon (bottom) -> History icon (top) and clear history, cookies, and other browsing data -> All Time.


2. Open a new Safari window and sign into your Gmail email account -> Leave this window open.


3. On your iPhone go to Settings -> Passwords & Accounts -> Add Account -> Gmail and tap continue. It should redirect to the open browser window with Gmail and add the Gmail account to your iPhone Mail.


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Comments 6

Guest - Dchand on Sunday, 02 January 2022 13:00

This work fixed everything!!! THANK YOU!!!!

This work fixed everything!!! THANK YOU!!!!
Guest - Erin on Tuesday, 02 November 2021 14:26

This worked when nothing else would!

This worked when nothing else would!
Guest - Disentangledone on Saturday, 23 October 2021 21:21

Scam setup by malicious socially engineering gang stalking actors

Scam setup by malicious socially engineering gang stalking actors
Guest - Heather on Tuesday, 12 October 2021 00:56

Worked perfectly!!! Thank you...

Worked perfectly!!! Thank you...
Guest - Michael Koman on Wednesday, 04 August 2021 08:36

Same as Brian. NOTHING worked. This did. Thanks so much!

Same as Brian. NOTHING worked. This did. Thanks so much!
Guest - Brian on Wednesday, 26 May 2021 08:19

Thank you! I tried every other solution people were offering over and over for this issue and nothing worked. But this did the trick!

Thank you! I tried every other solution people were offering over and over for this issue and nothing worked. But this did the trick!
Sunday, 09 February 2025