Fix: Please Wait for The System Event Notification Service – Logoff / Reboot / Shutdown RDP

Fix: Please Wait for The System Event Notification Service – Logoff / Reboot / Shutdown RDP

If you attempt to logoff, reboot, or shutdown a Windows machine, you may be stuck at a screen with a message that prevents you from completing the action. You are likely forced to hard power down the Windows machine to get out of the message.


If you have Microsoft SQL Studio installed and running, the issue is related Sequel Server Management Studio sending telemetry data back to Microsoft servers and the process gets hung. You can disable sending telemetry using the following registry key.


  1. In Windows, go to Start menu -> type regedit.

  1. Browse to the following registry path


  1. Right-click -> New DWORD value and include the following details – or edit the current value with the following.
Name = DisableSqmUploader
Data = 00000001

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