Facebook: This Attachment May Have Been Removed or the Person Who Shared It

This Attachment May Have Been Removed or the Person Who Shared It

In the Facebook App, you may receive a private message that contains an attachment. When you click on the notification of a new private message with the attachment, you see a message that the user who sent the attachment is now unavailable.


Attachment Unavailable

This attachment may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it with you.

A shared picture/attachment may become unavailable if the original poster removes it or changes the privacy settings on it. Facebook also reserves the right to remove the shared attachment without notice, and you will see the message above. The user also can control privacy settings of the photo and in order for all to see it, it needs to be set to “Public”. This would be the case if the attachment was sent to a group in a Facebook message.


If you are experiencing this problem with different attachments, use the comments form below to let us know.

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Comments 39

Guest - Lisa on Wednesday, 20 February 2019 17:39

I also get this message. I am the admin of multiple pages and cannot see the posts. There are numerous comments on this page but NO ANSWERS. Does anyone from Facebook read this? Do they care? Are they making any attempt to correct this? Get it fixed!

I also get this message. I am the admin of multiple pages and cannot see the posts. There are numerous comments on this page but NO ANSWERS. Does anyone from Facebook read this? Do they care? Are they making any attempt to correct this? Get it fixed!
Guest - Helen on Tuesday, 12 February 2019 10:33

There’s something going on. I’ve been seeing this more and more over the last week..it’s pretty much every second or third post on my timeline now. My settings haven’t changed in a bit so that doesn’t explain what’s happening.

There’s something going on. I’ve been seeing this more and more over the last week..it’s pretty much every second or third post on my timeline now. My settings haven’t changed in a bit so that doesn’t explain what’s happening.
Guest - Glenn on Tuesday, 12 February 2019 05:57

Yep, going to chip in my two cents worth as well. I'm seeing this more and more. Family members posting where I would normally be able to see it but get the Attachment Unavailable message, and yet other family members can see it. Same in Groups I belong to. Often the OP hasn't made their SHARED image Public, but very often that is not the case - the image IS public and others can see it, but not me (and some others).

Yep, going to chip in my two cents worth as well. I'm seeing this more and more. Family members posting where I would normally be able to see it but get the Attachment Unavailable message, and yet other family members can see it. Same in Groups I belong to. Often the OP hasn't made their SHARED image Public, but very often that is not the case - the image IS public and others can see it, but not me (and some others).
Guest - gerrises on Wednesday, 13 February 2019 07:02

Yeah, so now is so bad I need permission from me, myself, to post a picture that I took myself and posted They remove my personal pictures. I can't even see my own pictures. messed up big time.

Yeah, so now is so bad I need permission from me, myself, to post a picture that I took myself and posted They remove my personal pictures. I can't even see my own pictures. messed up big time.
Guest - Lin on Monday, 11 February 2019 18:49

Please help! Why am I seeing this so often? "Attachment Unavailable
This attachment may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it with you."

Please help! Why am I seeing this so often? "Attachment Unavailable This attachment may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it with you."
Guest - Diana Gookin on Saturday, 09 February 2019 20:53

A friend posted a video of her aunt that had passed away, that everybody could see but me. All I could see was this stupid message: Attachment Unavailable
This attachment may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it with you. Why????

A friend posted a video of her aunt that had passed away, that everybody could see but me. All I could see was this stupid message: Attachment Unavailable This attachment may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it with you. Why????
Guest - Donatello57 on Thursday, 23 May 2019 12:22

Facebook monitors and removes any attachments that do not suite their agenda. Their new car algorithms that censor what you post need to be tweaked. They’ll get it fixed. Unless your posting things they don’t agree with of course.

Facebook monitors and removes any attachments that do not suite their agenda. Their new car algorithms that censor what you post need to be tweaked. They’ll get it fixed. Unless your posting things they don’t agree with of course.
Guest - Donny Stubbs on Thursday, 07 February 2019 18:29

I've noticed the same thing too. Seems like a glitch because I saw the same thing on two of my friends on Facebook

I've noticed the same thing too. Seems like a glitch because I saw the same thing on two of my friends on Facebook
Guest - Geraldine Sessa on Wednesday, 13 February 2019 07:07

Could be a glitch but I posts pictures that I take myself and FaceBook says I need permission to post them. So......I need to get permission from me to post my pictures!! That's really messed up. I can't even see my own pictures. They remove them. Sick of this mess.

Could be a glitch but I posts pictures that I take myself and FaceBook says I need permission to post them. So......I need to get permission from me to post my pictures!! That's really messed up. I can't even see my own pictures. They remove them. Sick of this mess.
Guest - Janet on Tuesday, 29 January 2019 09:04

I've been having this issue with attachments unavailable this month. I've received this message from friends in their Facebook posts. I can see everyone's comment's but I can't see the post. What can I do to fix this problem?

I've been having this issue with attachments unavailable this month. I've received this message from friends in their Facebook posts. I can see everyone's comment's but I can't see the post. What can I do to fix this problem?
Guest - Marci F on Sunday, 27 January 2019 10:44

I am suddenly seeing this error in my feed constantly, when I rarely saw it before outside of random Groups. I haven't changed any settings, so clearly Facebook has some sort of voodoo gone wrong behind the scenes. Argh.

I am suddenly seeing this error in my feed constantly, when I rarely saw it before outside of random Groups. I haven't changed any settings, so clearly Facebook has some sort of voodoo gone wrong behind the scenes. Argh.
Guest - Hea on Monday, 28 January 2019 18:07

I have noticed it the last two days and it has nothing to do with privacy settings or deleted content. I’m going to assume FB tweaked something and there is a glitch ?‍♀️

I have noticed it the last two days and it has nothing to do with privacy settings or deleted content. I’m going to assume FB tweaked something and there is a glitch ?‍♀️
Guest - Olwyn Midlane on Wednesday, 23 January 2019 22:47

For the last month I am suddenly receiving error meesages on my FB page. Some are messages I have posted that friends can't see and others are posts from friends that I can't see. I have checked my settings as "public"
What is going on?

For the last month I am suddenly receiving error meesages on my FB page. Some are messages I have posted that friends can't see and others are posts from friends that I can't see. I have checked my settings as "public" What is going on?
Guest - Rita G. Woodring on Sunday, 20 January 2019 12:04

Experiencing this the past week with different friends.

Experiencing this the past week with different friends.
Guest - Jackie on Saturday, 19 January 2019 20:21

I've been having this issue with attachments unavailable over the last month or so. I receive it from my friends in messenger and also posts my friends have made. I can see everyone's comment's but I can't see the post. I have never had this big of an issue.. Is there way this can be fixed?

I've been having this issue with attachments unavailable over the last month or so. I receive it from my friends in messenger and also posts my friends have made. I can see everyone's comment's but I can't see the post. I have never had this big of an issue.. Is there way this can be fixed?
Guest - Jan Dozler on Friday, 18 January 2019 09:07

I have been receiving this statement from various Facebook friends the past two weeks.

I have been receiving this statement from various Facebook friends the past two weeks.
Guest - Donald York on Tuesday, 24 April 2018 23:34

Anybody find that some senders on Facebook enjoy less freedom with such attachments/links than other senders do? (Say, if they're a "flaming conservative" or the like?)

Anybody find that some senders on Facebook enjoy less freedom with such attachments/links than other senders do? (Say, if they're a "flaming conservative" or the like?)
Guest - Jessica Barber on Tuesday, 20 February 2018 06:46

My husband's friend sent him a quote. He saw the quote. And shared it with me. I like the quote that I saw from his phone I wanted it to share with my friends. I asked him to send it to me via messenger But when my husband sent it to me it said attachment unavailable. Why is that?

My husband's friend sent him a quote. He saw the quote. And shared it with me. I like the quote that I saw from his phone I wanted it to share with my friends. I asked him to send it to me via messenger But when my husband sent it to me it said attachment unavailable. Why is that?
Guest - Sharon Brooks on Sunday, 24 September 2017 12:45

I am getting this error message every time only ONE person in our private group shares a link....everyone else in the group can see it BUT ME! He doesn't know why either...we are friends on FB and in the private group....and in person! LOL

I am getting this error message every time only ONE person in our private group shares a link....everyone else in the group can see it BUT ME! He doesn't know why either...we are friends on FB and in the private group....and in person! LOL
Monday, 31 March 2025