Fix: Sorry Something Went Wrong. The Content Type is in Use. – SharePoint / CRM

Fix: Sorry Something Went Wrong. The Content Type is in Use. – SharePoint / CRM

If you are trying to delete a column in Microsoft CRM, you may receive an error about the content type is in use. First, check to see if you have documents in your versioning document library (minor versions of anything). If so, you must publish these items to next major versions until you are able to delete them.


Check to ensure the view you are trying to delete is not already in the following locations.


Check in recycle bin.

Site collection -> site settings -> site collection administration -> recycle bin

End user recycle bin items

Deleted from end user recycle bin


All else, try the following.


  1. Create a custom workflow to run on changed items and remove all minor/major versions.
  1. Go to All Files and check-out all items, then check-in again with status of deleting old versions.

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