Comcast Xfinity Internet Data Usage Plan

Comcast Xfinity Internet Data Usage Plan

Whelp, it was only time. “Comcast” originally enforced a data usage plan (secretly) on all their Internet Tier packages. If you exceeded 1 Terabyte (1,024 Gigs) of data in a month, you’d get an email stating so and a warning to “watch your usage”. I think a 2nd or 3rd offense could get your Internet services with Comcast cut off.

As a registered account holder with Xfinity, we got an email on July 7th 2016 that stated

“Xfinity will be trailing a new XFINITY Internet data usage plan in your area”.

It goes on to say customers will be limited to 1,024 Gigs of Internet usage (Download/Upload combined). If you use more than that, you will be billed. Or you can buy the new “unlimited data” plan. But, why buy unlimited Internet data plan if Xfinity are only trialing this service?

Because this will soon be the new standard with most home Internet Service Providers.

The Internet is the world’s hungriest beast right now. Millions want to live off the Internet. I can imagine in 5 more years we’ll see nearly all the world connected with Internet – brining billions more people online. While this remains a fact, Xfinity’s move to place Internet restriction usage comes as the cable box soon will disappear.

Generally speaking, the Internet restriction is nothing to worry about as a home Internet user, even if your household is NetFlix dependent. The Internet restriction is coming in place because people are ditching the cable box and moving to online Internet movie and show streaming. What better way price up Internet usage? To put 1 Terabyte of data into perspective, you could probably watch almost 1 quarter of all movies on Netflix before worrying about hitting the Terabyte threshold. However, if you pirate movies, that is, you download shows illegally off the Internet and do so frequently, you might quickly find yourself concerned.

You can find Xfinity’s Internet usage restriction email below.

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Comments 1

Guest - xfinity internet deals on Thursday, 15 December 2016 09:31

Since I have been using xfinity internet services from one of it's authorized re seller. And I am satisfied with internet speed and their customer services.

Since I have been using xfinity internet services from one of it's authorized re seller. And I am satisfied with internet speed and their customer services.
Saturday, 29 March 2025