When you attempt to browse a Facebook page or profile, you may receive an error message. Sorry, this content isn’t available right now The link you followed may have expired, or the page may only be visible to an audience you’re not in. Go back to the previous page Go to News Feed visit our...
You may receive a message in the Facebook App when you try to open or reload a photo on Facebook. Notice This photo is no longer available. A Facebook user shared a photo (album or timeline) and it showed up in your Facebook newsfeed. However, the user that shared the photo already deleted the...
Did you just receive an email from claiming to be from Facebook informing you about having trouble signing into your account? “”, get back on Facebook with one click Hi, “” It looks like you’re having trouble logging into Facebook. Just click the button below and we’ll log you in. First, confirm the email...
If you recently tried posting an update to your Facebook profile or Fan Page, you may receive an error below. Couldn’t Update Status There was a problem updating your status. Please try again in a few minutes. You may receive this error; however, your update status will still post. If it does not post...
If you recently tried to share a URL link (video or article link) from another website in a Facebook post either on your profile or a fan page, you may receive an error from Facebook that the URL was not found – even though when you click the link it loads your article you wanted to...