If you are trying to report Copyright or Trademark infringement on Facebook, use this form to begin your report. Facebook seems to be making it increasingly difficult for you to get ahold of them by hiding their contact forms deep within their website and masking their contact us questions with automated answers. This copyright form will...
Why: You do not have the Necessary Permission for the Specified Page to Perform the Requested Action
Did you just receive an error message when browsing to a Facebook web page (perhaps a Facebook Fan Page), and you did nothing to invoke it? The error message is below. Insufficient Permission You do not have the necessary permission for the specified Page to perform the requested action.
Did you just create a new Facebook event and want to make a friend(s) an administrator so they can invite friends and manage the event as well? It’s simple to do – follow the steps below. Go to Events on the left side of your Facebook profile and select the corresponding Facebook Event you want...
Facebook just released an update for it’s app. Login to your iOS or Google Play store to download the latest version now – 100 New Features in the Latest Version of Facebook: *Thanks for using Facebook! To make our app better for you, we bring updates to the App Store Regaularly. *Every update of our...
In the Facebook App, you may receive a private message that contains an attachment. When you click on the notification of a new private message with the attachment, you see a message that the user who sent the attachment is now unavailable. Attachment Unavailable This attachment may have been removed or the person who shared...