How to Convert YouTube Profile to Brand Account

How to Convert Google+ or YouTube Profile to Brand Account

Google+ Brand accounts unlock many features normal Google+ accounts don’t have including customizing multiple personal and social media links, changing your profile name to a single brand name, and creating a custom about me page. If you are representing an idea rather a a real person, you will want a Google Brand account. It is easy...

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Cisco Command Prompt Guide - Complete

Cisco Command Prompts Cheat Sheet

Here is the list of all Cisco Command Modes, their access methods, and prompt icons. Below is also a quick printable cheat sheet for all Cisco command modes as a reference.

Command Mode Access Method Prompt Exit User EXEC This is the first level of access. Change terminal settings, perform basic tasks, and list...

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Submarine City Orland Park Carry Out Menu (Scanned Menu With Prices)

Submarine City Orland Park Carry Out Menu

Submarine City144th & LaGrangeOrland Park, Illinois 60642 Find the latest scanned carry out menu. If you have an updated menu or have found an error, please let us know by using the comments form below. Click to ExpandClick to Expand

Click to Expand  

* If you have a Chicago menu to contribute or an updated restaurant menu to share, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. *

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Fix: Your Current Security Settings do not Allow this File to be Downloaded

Your Current Security Settings do not Allow this File to be Downloaded

In Internet Explorer, you may receive an error that prevents you from downloading a file. You receive the following error message.   Your current security settings do not allow this file to be downloaded.   ou must enable file downloads in Internet Explorer security settings. Perform the following steps. In Internet Explorer, go to Internet Options...

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Fix: Authorization Failed – Pinterest

Pinterest Authorization Failed

Are you trying to log into your Pinterest app on iPhone or Android, or did you recently log off Pinterest and the app home screen is showing and Authorization Failed message continuously? The screen blinks on and off with this message and you can’t select login to the app or get to anything else on the...

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