Delete a host record from DNSdnscmd %server% /recorddelete %zone% @ A %IP% Query DNS forest-wide partition replica dsquery * "DC=ForestDNSZones,dc=forestRootDomain Add a CNAME record to DNS dnscmd %server% /recordadd %zone% %AliasName% CNAME %HostnameAliasing% Query zone resource records on a Microsoft DNS server wmic /namespace:\\root\microsoftdns /node:%server% path MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord WHERE ContainerName='%zone_name%'
Getting Joomla to run on Mac is extremely easy. For the purpose of keeping current, this article details a new installation of Joomla on Mac X 10.10 Yosemite.Machine pre-requirements for this installation: Joomla 3 download, makes...
Simple Steps to get any Joomla page to load and render faster! 1. Enable Joomla Cache system default System -> Global Configuration -> System The Joomla system will store a copy of your page and load it from it's temp file. There are different types of page caching: -Page Cache will take snapshots of everything. It's...
The following commands are run in Terminal. CHECK HTTP CONFIG:apachectl configtest - REVEAL HIDDEN LIBRARY FOLDERchflags nohidden ~/Library LIST ALL OPEN FILES:lsof NETSTAT:netstat -rShow the routing tables. Use with -a to show protocol-cloned routes. When -s is also present,show routing statistics instead. When -l is also present, netstat assumes more columns are thereand the maximum transmission...