Fix: Avaya IP Phones Waiting for LLDP Message

Fix: Avaya IP Phones Waiting for LLDP Message

IP phones changing VLAN's will prompt for "waiting for LLDP" message on them. It is usually because the phone has the old vlan cached in it's table. Clearing and resetting the phone doesn't work. You might have to manually define the VLAN on the phone in order to update the vlan. To do this, follow these...

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Don't Fall for Domain Registration Invoices!

Don't Fall for Domain Registration Invoices!

We all own domains. By ICANN law, we’re required fill out 'whois' information in order to register & purchase a domain. It is this information that becomes publicly available to anyone willing to search for it online. There’s several online services that monitor new domain registrations and setup automated emails to domain registrars emails pestering their willingness to “build...

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Interpret SMTP Logs For Windows Server IIS

Interpret SMTP Logs For Windows Server IIS

Some reasons a network admin want's to check their SMTP logs could be for:-E-mails delayed/not sent-Suspicious emails-Abuse of SMTP relay emails-Unexpected amounts of emails-Sourcing of an emailWindows IIS Logging for SMTP server is verbose for you to understand what's going on with those emails. Here's how to enable these logs and interpret them. Open Start >...

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Top Terminal Commands Mac X

Most Used Terminal Commands Mac

Terminal & Shell Basics cmd+n – Open a new Shell in a new windowcmd+t – Open a new Shell in a new tab of the current windowcontrol+d – Logout the Shell in the current tab / windowcmd+d – Split pane. this is not a new shell, just a way of displaying the current Shell. System Restart...

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Disabling TCP Offloading in Windows Server

Disabling TCP Offloading in Windows Server

TCP offload engine is a function used in network interface cards (NIC) to offload processing of the entire TCP/IP stack to the network controller. By moving some or all of the processing to dedicated hardware, a TCP offload engine frees the system's main CPU for other tasks. TCP offloading has been known to cause some issues,...

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