Standard Cisco Router Configuration

Standard Cisco Router Configuration

Router Configuration Standards   Physical Security The most basic and most important aspect of protecting a router from unauthorized access is physical security.  Anyone with physical access to the router can gain control over it, whether through an unprotected port or by more disruptive methods (performing a password recovery).  Therefore, it is vitally important to prevent...

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Standard Cisco Switch Configuration

Standard Cisco Switch Configuration

Switch Configuration Standards   VLAN 1 and Switch Management Switched networks employ several control protocols that work to ensure the smooth flow of user data across the network.  This section discusses significance VLAN 1 and its relevance to switch control protocols used in switched network environment.  The section also establishes the Organization’s standards for configuring a...

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Clear Windows Cached Credentials

Clear Windows Cached Credentials

If users recently changed their network passwords as part of an Active Directory policy, it’s possible the password hasn’t been changed in other applications where the policy is pushed (Exchange/Outlook, Lync Messenger, and any other applications) and will cause lockouts for the account leading to headaches. A good practice if this happens often is to clear out...

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Clear Windows ClipBoard (Troubleshooting Copy/Paste)

Clear Windows ClipBoard (Troubleshooting Copy/Paste)

If copying/pasting inside of Windows ceases to fail for you, it might be because your clipboard is full. Use this east shortcut to clear your Windows clipboard when you face this issue. Right-click your desktop and create a 'new shortcut'Paste the following command cmd.exe /c “echo off | clip”Name the shortcut.

Now you'll have...

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The Purpose of 'Root' SU account in Mac OS X

The Purpose of 'Root' SU account in Mac OS X

  The 'root' account in Mac is not enabled by default. This is because it helps prevent users or intruders gaining access to 'root'  which has God read/write privileges to all areas of the Mac OS system. Since it acts as a God account of the system, it can be leveraged to quickly troubleshoot, access, or...

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