Fix: This Copy of Macabacus is not Authorized for this Computer

Fix: This Copy of Macabacus is not Authorized for this Computer

If you are using an outdated or unsupported version of Macabacus Lite, you may receive the following error message upon trying to launch the application.This copy of Macabacus Lite is not authorized for this computer. Some features will be disabled. Please visiting Macabacus to download a fresh copy.

Simply download the latest Lite version of...

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Fix: Do You Want to Turn on the Index? – Windows

Fix: Do You Want to Turn on the Index? – Windows

When you search for something in Windows, you may receive a prompt to enable index searching in Windows. Indexing was most likely turned off because to help improve general Windows performance. You can control Windows Indexing options in the Control panel option Indexing Options.Turn on Index 

Do you want to turn on the index? Searches will be...

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Fix: A Connection to the IDU Server Cannot Be Established Varonis

Fix: A Connection to the IDU Server Cannot Be Established Varonis

When launching Varonis manager, you may receive the following error when the IDU server cannot be reached. A connection to the IDU Server cannot be established and the client cannot start. The server might be down or a network problem may be interfering.  To fix the problem, try the following:1. Restart the server.

2. Configure a...

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Fix: Error Page Cannot Be Displayed Please Contact Your Service Provider for more Details

Fix: Error Page Cannot Be Displayed Please Contact Your Service Provider for more Details

If you recently purchased a domain name, you most likely are trying to get it setup to host a website on. If you are pointing your domain name DNS host record(s) to a directory that contains no files, you may receive the following error message when you try to browse your domain name in a browser...

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How To: Mac X Show Print History Reprint

How To: Mac X Show Print History Reprint

You can lookup the print jobs of your Mac X machine and determine to re-print them if necessary. Using CUPS (open source printing system), you can track and re-print old print jobs in Mac X. Let’s get started. 1. First, we need to enable the cups backend browser GUI. Open Mac X Terminal 2. Type cupsctl...

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