Fake YouTube Support Email (Complaint About Spam Videos?) – Phishing Attempt

Fake YouTube Support Email (Complaint About Spam Videos?) – Phishing Attempt

Attention YouTube channel creators – there is an email phishing scheme going around online and you need to be made aware. YouTube channel account holders are receiving emails claiming to come from ‘YouTube support’ about their channel containing spammy videos and to not upload new videos while ‘YouTube’ supposedly investigates them. An example of the YouTube...

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YouTube: What to Expect After You Submit a Counter-Notification

YouTube: What to Expect After You Submit a Counter-Notification

If your YouTube video was recently taken down as the result of a Copyright strike, you can file a counter-notification requesting that your video be restored if you did not already delete the video. Remember, only file a counter-notification if you are the owner of the video or have been given exclusive rights or authority to...

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YouTube Disable Watch History

YouTube Disable Watch History

Steps on how to pause and permanently disable YouTube from saving your watch history.   Pause YouTube Watch History  While logged into your YouTube account and on the home screen, click on History on the left pane window.  On the right side, click PAUSE WATCH HISTORY. You will receive a prompt to confirm pausing your YouTube history.   ...

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YouTube Pending Edit: Stuck (Workaround)

YouTube Pending Edit: Stuck (Workaround)

If you edited a single or multiple YouTube videos (bulk action) using the YouTube Creator Studio -> Video Manager, you may appear stuck in an infinite wait period for the edits to process and you will see a pending edit message. The pending edit message may appear for over 20 minutes, even if you refresh your...

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Why: Sorry, an error occurred. Your video edits could not be saved. – YouTube

Why: Sorry, an error occurred. Your video edits could not be saved. – YouTube

If you are trying to edit a YouTube video under the copyright notice area, you may receive a message that prevents you saving your video after attempting to erase or mute part of your video audio.   Typically, this YouTube message displays if you edit multiple videos concurrently. Wait at least a few minutes before trying...

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