For some time, Verizon did not support simultaneous personal hot spot and cellular talking on iPhones. This was a hardware limitation on the iPhone at first. Then, the release of the iPhone 6 allowed voice over LTE (VoLTE) technology. VoLTE allowed any iPhone 6 or later to use the hot spot and cellular talking at the...
While using Mac Mail, you may receive the following error while opening Mail or adding a new email account. Connecting Insecure Failed to verify the server certificate. This could be because of your network configuration or your proxy settings. *Update* - This is likely caused by Avast Web Filtering being enabled and blocking Gmail web access for adding...
The entire process for opening a UPS claim can be convoluted and frustrating if you don’t already have a UPS and account and an account number. For the purpose of this guide, we demonstrate how to open a UPS claim with the tracking number provided on your shipping receipt. If you decide to start a new...
Today’s Mac computers have a built in feature called recovery mode which allows you to start your Mac computer on a separate boot partition on your hard drive and restore from Time Machine backup, reinstall Mac OS, or use disk utility. If your Mac does not have the built in recovery mode, you can attempt to...
At this time, Twitter does not allow you to search publicly created lists created by Twitter users. This is rather unfortunate because Twitter lists are a fantastic way to find users that like a particular subject or niche. There is a clever way to search titles of Twitter lists in Google the same way you might...