If you attempt to open an application in Mac OS X, the application may appear "open" in the Mac OS X Dock; however when you try to open something in the application, you receive an error message about the application not responding. Try the following steps in order below to completely close out and quit the...
If you went to download or update an app from the iOS app store, you may have been prompted to accept the new Apple Media Terms & Conditions for the iTunes store. You will not be able to update or download new apps until you accept the new conditions. Click OK. The next screen shows the Apple...
Instagram allows you to see accounts “last active” state in your Instagram messages. This is somewhat of a “nosy” feature, since it might reveal one of your friends (or boyfriend / girlfriend) who was using the Instagram app on their phone but not responding to text messages or calls…ha! Unless you really care about who is...
If you edited a single or multiple YouTube videos (bulk action) using the YouTube Creator Studio -> Video Manager, you may appear stuck in an infinite wait period for the edits to process and you will see a pending edit message. The pending edit message may appear for over 20 minutes, even if you refresh your...
Where do we begin? We purchased CarGuys Super Cleaner after reading all the 5-star reviews (over 1k) on Amazon. The cleaner was a bit expensive for an 18-ounce bottle, coming in around $17, but free shipping with our Amazon Prime membership at the time of this article. The product arrived with the spray nozzle disconnected...