Fix: ODBC Call Failed General Network Error #11

Fix: ODBC Call Failed General Network Error #11

You receive the following error trying to make a call from an SQL database using Microsoft Access.   ODBC—call failed. [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB][ConnectionWrite (Send()). (#10054) [Microsoft][ODBS SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]General network error. Check your network documentation. (#11)

  SQL services need to be started or restarted on the server hosting the SQL database your...

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Fix: Could Not Execute Query Could Not Find Linked Table - Access

Fix: Could Not Execute Query Could Not Find Linked Table - Access

You receive an error trying to run a query in Microsoft Access.   Could not execute query; could not find a linked table.

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid object name   1. In the Microsoft Access app, create a new connection. 2. In your Access desktop database, delete all linked tables. 3. Relink the...

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You may receive a warning message in Google Chrome while trying to browse to an HTTPS website that has a weak installed SSL certificate. This error usually happens when a stand alone certificate is issue to a website on a trusted domain (usually local intranet domains).

  Your connection is not private Attackers might...

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Fix: The Current Webpage is Trying to Open a Site in Your Trusted Sites List

Fix: The Current Webpage is Trying to Open a Site in Your Trusted Sites List

You may receive a warning prompt when you click a link that opens in Internet Explorer.   The current webpage is trying to open a site in your Trusted sites list. Do you want to allow this? Current site: Trusted site: Warning: allowing this can expose your computer to security risks. If you don’t trust the...

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Fix: Mac X Login Screen Cached or Old Background Picture

Fix: Mac X Login Screen Cached or Old Background Picture

If you recently changed your default Mac OS X desktop picture, you may notice your old background picture still appearing at the Mac OS X login screen (the blurry photo in the background at the default Mac OS X login screen). Sometimes, Mac X will cache your old desktop photo and it will stick on the...

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