Certificate error message in o365 Company Portal app: Invalid certificate date. Check that your device time is set correctly and try again. If this error persists, contact your company support. This is an issue with an expired certificate your company is using and they will need to renew.
Did you attempt to open a SharePoint document (Excel, Word, PDF etc...) and receive a warning message about the file potentially harming your computer? Open Document Some files can harm your computer. If the file information below looks suspicious, or you do not fully trust the source, do not open the file. File Name: From:...
When you try to check-in a SharePoint Excel document, you receive an error that prevents you from fully checking in. First, check to make sure the document you created is not using any disallowed characters in the name.
If your MySQL service suddenly stopped accepting connections and you receive an error trying to connect to your MySQL server instance, try to increase the connect_timeout variable in the my.cnf file shown below. For more information, refer to the MySQL documentation here. MySQL Error message: ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading...
When you open Microsoft Outlook, you receive this pop-up message. Check to see if an email you tracked was deleted before synchronization. Refer to this article to help you track down the offending email.