Mac X Aqua Applications developed with an older version of Java will require you to install and use the Java 6 Runtime that is now end of life and no longer updated. Below is a direct link to install the Java 6 Runtime for for OS X 10.11 El Capitan, OS X 10.10 Yosemite, OS X...
Some of us like to control everything on our Mac. Now you can change the default system font of your Mac OS system by following these steps. 1. Determine the font you want to change your Mac system font to. In this example, we will be using SF Archery Black font. For reference, you can...
Are you trying to install an iOS App on an unsupported iOS version on your iPad or iPhone? Several first and second generation Apple products have iOS version limitations. For example, the iPad 2 is only able to install iOS version 5.1.1. This is frustrating especially if you don’t plan to purchase new hardware to support...
Amazon is marketing a pair of 2 PNY 64GB USB 2.0 flash drives for an extremely cheap price – check them out here. They are selling off younger generation jump drives and making room for bigger inventory, with recent new of the 2 Terabyte Flash Drive being released. The PNY 64GB USB Jump Drive is...
Are you seeing your Mac laptop join networks in your neighborhood you don’t want it to? Is your Mac auto-connecting to a Wireless network before your preferred wireless network? You may want to clean up your Mac OS X joined wireless networks on your Mac computer to avoid conflicts. Today, a common neighborhood wireless network name...