City of Chicago Automated Enforcement Violation Review Program

City of Chicago Automated Enforcement Violation Review Program

If you recently received an old ticket violation notice in the mail from the City of Chicago, you may have also received a letter allowing you an opportunity to contest certain red light/speed camera violations. This notice is sent whether you paid or had an unpaid ticket referenced in the mailing notice. Our mailed notice referenced...

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Google Analytics Block Own Traffic Not Working

Google Analytics Block Own Traffic Not Working

If you created a filter in Google Analytics to block your own IP Traffic, you may notice new web properties you create in Google Analytics are not applied to this filter by default.  

You will need to go into Admin -> All Filters and select the filter you setup for blocking traffic. You...

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Domain Abuse Notice – SCAM

Domain Abuse Notice – SCAM

If you recently received an email from titled Domain Abuse Notice: be aware this is a scam targeting suspecting domain name holders. While the email seems threatening, it certainly does not originate from the official Domain of ICANN and should be reported as SPAM to your email provider.   The email is similar to the...

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How To: Windows Check and Set Windows System Time and NTP

How To: Windows Check and Set Windows System Time and NTP

Here is a full list of available Windows Time Commands in command line syntax. You can quickly review status, configuration, intervals, and more with these commands. You can also exclusively configure Windows Time. Type in Windows Command Line: w32tm /query /configuration w32tm /query /status View Current Time: Time /T View Current Windows Time Configuration: w32tm /query...

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Google Webmaster Tools Temporarily Unreachable

Google Webmaster Tools Temporarily Unreachable

While trying to add and index a new webpage in Google Webmaster tools, you may receive the following message in Crawl -> Fetch as Google -> Fetch & Render console – Temporarily unreachable.  

The message means Google can’t access or crawl the page. What most likely happened is Google Bot returned a 404...

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