Facebook Ad Promotion Not Approved: “Uses Images that Excessively Focus on a Person’s Body or Body Part…”

Facebook Ad Promotion Not Approved: “Uses Images that Excessively Focus on a Person’s Body or Body Part…”

Did you try to boost a Facebook image or video post (Facebook Ads) but received a notification the promotion was not approved due to the following reason:   This ad isn’t running because it uses imaged that excessively focus on a person’s body or body part, or depict unlikely before-and-after results. This can make people feel...

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RoboCalls Coming from Same Area Code and Prefix – How to Deal with Them

RoboCalls Coming from Same Area Code and Prefix – How to Deal with Them

The RoboCalls are invading! Are they coming from the same area code, prefix, and in some cases, your own number? Over the last couple of months, we have seen a surge in RoboCalls coming from our private numbers area code and prefix. These “cleverer” calls trick you into picking up since it looks like a number...

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Fix: Google Chrome Opening Double (2) Tabs after Clicking Any Link

Fix: Google Chrome Opening Double (2) Tabs after Clicking Any Link

When you click a link from a website using Google Chrome, is it opening it twice in new tabs? The link opens exactly the same in both tabs. Resetting Google Chrome to defaults and clearing browsing history (cache, cookies, etc.) does not fix the issue. There seems to be a little bug that causes this to...

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Fix: Mac Mail Export to Photos Not Working

Fix: Mac Mail Export to Photos Not Working

If you are unable to export photos from Mail into the Photos app on Mac (Mail app right-click -> Export to Photos) try the following fixes in order.   Ensure add to photos share menu is enabled. Go to System Preferences -> Extensions -> Share Menu -> Add to Photos is checked.  

 Verify your primary Photos...

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Why: iTunes Can't Verify the Identity of the Server “xp.apple.com”

Why: iTunes Can't Verify the Identity of the Server “xp.apple.com”

After updating iTunes, you may receive a message prompt in iTunes about a certificate that is invalid. The message may appear when you initially launch iTunes.   iTunes can’t verify the identity of the server “xp.apple.com” The certificate for this server is invalid.   Other domain names that may appear in the message include:   init.itunes.apple.com...

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