Google Chrome Hard Reload Button

Google Chrome Hard Reload Button

In Google Chrome, you can enable a hard reload and empty cache and hard reload on any web page you browse. This Is useful if you want to fully refresh a web page to ensure your page refresh is not caching anything. By default, Google Chrome caches web page you browse and only updates parts of...

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How To: Google Chrome Disable Cache Browsing

How To: Google Chrome Disable Cache Browsing

By default, Google Chrome automatically caches all web pages you browse. Web-caching is done to to generally improve browsing performance. Cache also reduced the load on the web server and conserves bandwidth. However, sometimes cached pages load old content without you knowing if its new or not. This is a problem with the browse and webserver...

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How To: Rename Email Account on iPhone

How To: Rename Email Account on iPhone

You can customize your iPhone email account name by changing the email account description. This is very useful to help you identify your email mailboxes when you open the mail app. When you add a new email account by default, your iPhone uses a default mailbox name. To customize your mailbox name, follow the steps below....

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How To: Mac TextEdit Go to Line

How To: Mac TextEdit Go to Line

You can quickly go to any line in a TextEdit document by using a hidden hot key. Many users of Mac TextEdit are used to Windows NotePad which offers find line by default in menu options. Even though TextEdit doesn’t show line items, you can still search for a particular line. Follow the steps below.  ...

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How To: Rotate and Save Video on Mac OS X

How To: Rotate and Save Video on Mac OS X

Do you have a video that is off centered or not aligned correctly? Do you want to rotate a video for another reason and save it? You can quickly rotate any video in Mac X using Quicktime player that comes installed by default on Mac OS X. Follow the steps below.   1. Find a compatible...

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