So…you want to use that old or new Mac to mine some Crypto? With all the craze in crypto today, it’s everyone’s dream to let their computer do the heavy lifting, mine some random crypto, and then cash it in for money. In this guide, we will you show how to mine Monero (XMR) crypto currency...
If you create a new iMessage or text message on your iPhone, you may notice the up arrow (send button) is greyed out and you are unable to send the message. This was not an issue with cellular service or Wi-Fi, the message simply would not send to another mobile user device.
Did you discover “SOCKS Proxy” enabled on your network interface (Wi-Fi or Ethernet) every time you reboot your Mac? You did not enable this and it’s causing certain applications to not function correctly, including web browsers like Safari, Google Chrome, and Firefox and you may notice you are visiting pages you did not intend to. ...
We recently changed 20 websites running Google AdSense from using HTTP to use HTTPS. We immediately noticed AdSense impressions had stopped across all of the sites after the change, but the sites were still showing ads. We thought this was a caching issue as others mentioned online, but in our case it was not. 1....
If you upgraded to macOS Catalina 10.15 and use Time Machine, you may receive an error trying to back up your disk for the first time. Time machine couldn’t complete the backup to “” Two of the disks back up have the same name. Rename one of the disks named “”. While some...