Chicago Class Action Settlement Notice: 5174430790 – Red Light / Speed Camera Check Refund

Chicago Class Action Settlement Notice: 5174430790 – Red Light / Speed Camera Check Refund

We received our eligible refund check from the city of Chicago class action settlement lawsuit McKenzie-Lopez / Willis vs City of Chicago in which we responded to back in 2017. Enclosed was a check that expires in 60 days from date of issue from September 2018. Below is the letter we received and eligible check.  ...

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YouTube Pending Edit: Stuck (Workaround)

YouTube Pending Edit: Stuck (Workaround)

If you edited a single or multiple YouTube videos (bulk action) using the YouTube Creator Studio -> Video Manager, you may appear stuck in an infinite wait period for the edits to process and you will see a pending edit message. The pending edit message may appear for over 20 minutes, even if you refresh your...

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Why: Error Code: 1003 We Are Unable To Complete Your Action –Microsoft VLC

Why: Error Code: 1003 We Are Unable To Complete Your Action –Microsoft VLC

If you attempt to login to the Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Center (VLC) website, you may receive an error while trying to access volume keys and features.   We are unable to complete your action Error code:1003 [XXXXXXX]   Go back to the previous page and try again. Go to the VLSC Home page and try...

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Why: 504 That’s an Error – Google YouTube

Fix: 504 That’s an Error – Google YouTube

Did you receive an error (504) from Google while browsing around YouTube or Google hosted website? This error seems to happen when you click on different pages loading a lot of content quickly. In detail, an HTTP 504 error is a Gateway Timeout Error and usually happens when a webserver cannot process an HTTP request in...

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Fix: Your Apple ID being Used to Sign in to a Device Near “”

Fix: Your Apple ID being Used to Sign in to a Device Near “”

It seems a recent wave of Apple ID authorizations on other iOS devices is plaguing the Internet right now. Over the last month or so, Apple ID users have are seeing authorization requests for Apple iCloud accounts either showing up on a device they already have setup in their iCloud or a sign-in from somewhere else...

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