DNS logs are extremely useful for many purposes. Let's review the basic DNS resource records and their purposes. Host address (A). Maps a Domain Name System (DNS) domain name to an Internet Protocol (IP) address that is used by a computer.Alias canonical (CNAME). Maps an alias DNS domain name to another primary name or canonical name.Mail...
Delete a host record from DNSdnscmd %server% /recorddelete %zone% @ A %IP% Query DNS forest-wide partition replica dsquery * "DC=ForestDNSZones,dc=forestRootDomain Add a CNAME record to DNS dnscmd %server% /recordadd %zone% %AliasName% CNAME %HostnameAliasing% Query zone resource records on a Microsoft DNS server wmic /namespace:\\root\microsoftdns /node:%server% path MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord WHERE ContainerName='%zone_name%'
Here’s a great format for tracking your organizations IP addresses. In an Excel spreadsheet, start a row with the following fields below. You can also see an example for how these spreadsheets look organizaed. *Network*CIDR Mask*Status*Description*Location*Notes*VLAN OR… *Network*Octet*Status*Description*Location*Notes*VLAN
With the recent "free" release of Windows 10, Microsoft has embedded its Windows 10 update in many of the Windows previous Operating Systems. You likely notice the new “notification” to update to Windows 10 in your taskbar. Additionally, you might notice a fiercer prompt of warning you to update by a certain date. Get this useless prompt...
Below is a list of current top free malware/anti-virus applications for Mac and Windows. We have used all the below applications and recommend them. They are in order of preference. Please share your experiences with them by commenting below. We will be featuring MAC ClamXAVClamXav is a trusted and highly recommended anti-virus and malware scanner for Mac OS...