Are you being charged recurring fees from a subscription you unknowingly made from a PayPal transaction? Do you have outstanding subscriptions that may not be deducting your PayPal account, but are till authorized too? Check your PayPal account now. Go to Tools -> All Tools -> Recurring Payments -> My Pre Approved Payments link A list of your...
Did you know that 45 percent of American households don’t pay federal taxes? These are primarily people earn $35,000 or less. Additionally, you aren’t required to file taxes by the IRS if you meet this filing status criteria. Filing StatusAgeMinimum W-2 RequirementMinimum Self EmploymentSingle65 and Younger$10,300$40065 and Older$11,850$400Head of House65 and Younger$13,250$40065 and Older$14,800$400Married Jointly65 and Younger...
Gramblr is a popular application that allows you to upload pictures from your computer desktop straight to Instagram. It is important to note that Instagram considers 3rd party apps that use API to allow such a feature and it should be used at your own risk.To use Gramblr, download it from their website here. Install the...
*UPDATE* If you opted to receive your 1099's online, go to the URL below (AdSense Tax Center) and replace your pub- with your AdSense account ID in the URL. If you are a Google AdSense customer that is making considerable earnings, you may be wondering where your tax form is from Google each new year. It appears Google...
Did you get a violation warning for expired license plates in Illinois this year? Apparently, the State of Illinois, for this the first time ever, stopped sending renewal notices by mail in 2015. This has caused thousands of Illinois drivers to forget to renew their plates. According to CyberDrive Illinois website, the current debt crisis of...