When you attempt a Mac OS X system recovery (boot holding command + r), you get a message this item is temporarily unavailable and it prevents you from completing a re-install of the OS. Some online reports suggest to login to iCloud from Safari by backing out of the installation and selecting Get Help Online from...
RAID 0 is a popular disk setup solution to achieve the fastest possible read and write disk speeds by splitting data between two or more hard drives. The latest version of Mac OS X High Sierra (10.13) does not allow you to simply install to any kind of RAID configuration. This has frustrated a lot of...
Whenever you drag a file into iMovie, the file is automatically copied and stored inside iMovie’s My Media section for your project. The media file will continue to exist until you decide to go in and manually delete it. It seems iMovie users forget about this. Gradually, as you begin to drag new media to iMovie...
Did you accidentally screw up or delete your Mac OS X color display setting calibration? This is frustrating and there is no easy way to revert back to the old calibration you had. However, you can factory reset your Mac OS X screen display color settings. Follow the steps below. Open ColorSync Utility in...
The latest version of Mac OS X High Sierra hides the Expert Mode option in the System Preferences Display option. Here is how to to enable expert mode. Open Display system preferences. Now, hold down the option or alt key on your keyboard and select Calibrate… Expert Mode option will appear and be checked.