In the latest version of Mac X mail, you can add an image to your signature(s) easily. 1. Open Mac Mail and go to Mail -> Preferences -> Signatures 2. Click + to add a new signature template. 3. Next, find the image you want to place inside your signature. Simply drag the image into...
When you play any Snapchat story, you may notice the volume not automatically playing on your friend’s stories. You are forced to turn on the volume for each video Snapchat.
Do you sometimes drag images from a web page off to your desktop (Safari web browser for instance), but the image isn’t where you dragged it too? The image you dragged suddenly snaps to another area on your desktop, leaving you to move any windows you had open around to actually find the image. Super annoying!...
By default, Mac X downloads all files from Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari to the current logged in users Home Downloads folder. To access the default download folder, follow the screenshots below. 1. Double-Click your Hard Drive 2. Double-Click Users 3. Double-Click the User folder (or your account name)
You can easily change the default download directory of your favorite web browser in Mac to be somewhere easily accessible, such as your desktop. To change the default directory of Firefox, Chrome, and Safari follow these steps. Change Default Download Location Safari 1. In Safari, open Preferences Safari Menu -> Preferences 2. In General,...